As the new drama teacher, Megan Thrift feels extremely welcomed and loves teaching at Robinson so far.
“Robinson is like the Disneyland for teachers, I have so much support, and many energetic, fantastic, and creative students, I couldn’t be more thrilled,” said Thrift.
The new teacher had many high expectations of the school because of the name recognition. Robinson is a school that is well known among the theatrical community.
“I have known this to be a fantastic school, so I had really high expectations, which have been met and exceeded at some points so far by the care and thoughtfulness that the students put into their creative work,” said Thrift.
The theater department is rebranding, and is now known as the Rambunctious Theater Company.
“This allows students to learn the way of professional theater model, which is being integrated into simple things, such as the website and how we present ourselves, as well as production and the technical aspect,” said Thrift.
Thrift has mostly worked at other theater companies such as, the Shakespeare Theater Company, Arena Stage, and Keegan Theater. She has taught at Key Middle School, where she was a substitute, but took over as the main drama teacher when the previous teacher left halfway through last year.
“Robinson is on a totally different spectrum than where I last taught, mainly because it is a high school,” said Thrift.
With the up-coming show, Ms. Thrift is excited to present Macbeth, mostly because a Shakespeare play hasn’t been done in a while by the drama department.
“I think the show is fantastic, I think Mackers (Scottish play Macbeth), is a fantastic show to really put your stamp on, as far as something new and different to show our new style,” said Thrift.