Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

French Students Voyage to France For First Time

The students of French will be saying “bonjour” soon enough, as they head off to France for the first time. The trip, which will take place from March 20-30, has the students going to Paris and Digne-les-bains to absorb the culture and language of the county with their teachers. This is the first time the language department will be going, part of an exchange program that began last year.

Nineteen students from the school as well as all four French teachers will be travelling to France and will spend three days touring Paris before heading off to stay with French families in Digne-les-bains in the French countryside. Nine of the students joining the trip hosted a French student the year before, and some will even be saying with the same student they previously took in according to French teacher Christine Schaffrath. The teachers hope to continue this trade off of students coming from France and visa-versa.

The students will have packed schedules from the moment they touch down. “They will be visiting the Galleries Lafayette (a very large and popular shopping center), seeing the Arc de Triomphe, walking along the Champs Elysees, and eating dinner there as well” said Schaffrath. They next two days will comprise of visits to  and walks by Le Louvre, Centre Pompidou, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Ste Chapelle, and Montmarte, as well as a boat ride on the Seine.

The students will then travel to Digne-Les-Bains by train, and exploring many sites such as Castellane (a typical small French village), taking a boat ride in Cassis, and visiting the nearby city of Aix-en-Provence, along with many other cultural explorations and experiences. They will also spend two half days in the school of their hosts, and will even be received by the mayor of Digne-Les-Bains, with a reception after.

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Many of the students and teachers are eagerly awaiting the trip. “I’m looking forward to the food and shopping” said junior Mary Turgeon. “I know it’s really tourist of me but I love the cultural influence of those things” she said. French teacher Monica Jugnet is also excited. “I’ve never seen Provence or any of the backcountry of France, so I’m looking forward to seeing the beauty of the nature there” she said.

“We get back on the day before Easter which gives us only one day to rest but I don’t think anyone will feel too sorry for us” Schaffrath said.

And with an abundance of activities to do in both of the sites, it can be sure the trip won’t lack excitement either.

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French Students Voyage to France For First Time