Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

A Day In the Life of Student Government

It’s the last day of Homecoming Week. Students sit in their first period eagerly awaiting the pep rally, Taste of Robinson and Homecoming game. While they enjoy the spirit of Blue and Gold day, taking pictures and making memories, the members of SGA (Student Government Association) are running around the school preparing for the day’s events. 

The SGA life may seem leisurely sometimes – it’s only planning dances and events, after all. In reality, every exciting event SGA holds is the work of several high school students who don’t rest until they’ve made everything perfect. A day in the life of any SGA member would exhaust a normal student before the day was finished. I took it upon myself to experience an SGA homecoming week first hand.

On blue and gold Friday, the last day of homecoming week, most SGA members never got the chance to go to class. The Taste of Robinson committee in particular, this year led by senior Eva Tamrakar, is busy the entire day. Tamrakar could not attend any of her classes on Friday due to her list of tasks which still needed to be completed.

Tamrakar had to set up all of the tables with her committee, labeling each of them and then had to make sure all of the electrical outlets were in their correct places. I helped out during the day by moving banners from Sideburn Road to the Taste area. Later on I was tasked with cutting out hundreds of tiny flyers advertising the Taste, a surprisingly tedious task. During the actual Taste of Robinson, Tamrakar was constantly on hand to fix any problem that arose so the event went on without a hitch.

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The Homecoming Court Committee, led by Senior Kiran Saund, was surprisingly busy the entire homecoming week. Saund had to make sure the entire court knew what was happening and when, as well as organize everything they needed. I assisted Saund by transporting flowers and court supplies, which often became difficult due to the demands of other committees. Saund, along with senior Nana Asare, head of the pep rally committee, was tasked with writing a script for health teacher Brian Hazard to use during the days events. This was no easy feat, especially because the scripts would be used in front of the entire school and needed to transition smoothly.

Even after the pep rally, Taste of Robinson and homecoming game, there was no rest for the SGA. We went straight from the halftime show during the game (an event Saund also organized) to setting up the gym for the homecoming dance the next night. This set up can often last until twelve or one o’clock in the morning. If this was not enough, SGA members have to return to the gym around seven o’clock the next morning to continue preparations into the afternoon.
After spending a few days working as a member of the SGA, it is clear just how difficult it can get. The fact that SGA members can keep the trouble and stress behind the scenes only proves how dedicated and efficient they are at what they do, and how much they love the school.

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A Day In the Life of Student Government