Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Students showcase talent at Ram Jam

For the last five years bands have been rocking out to their guitars at Ram Jam.

This event is an annual concert sponsored by the guitar class where bands of any genre can perform, once they are selected by a selection board. Ram Jam has been highly successful since it began five years ago and the performers have been happy to show off their music skills. 

Senior Josh Narang participated in Ram Jam along with his band, Green Lights, and also helped out in organizing the event.

“I have been in Ram Jam since last two years and this was my last year so we, Kyle Barry and I, wanted to do it [Ram Jam] big. So, we did whatever we could. We made fliers, clips, got sponsors,” Narang said.

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As much as the bands play a big role in making this event successful, the crew that helps before, after and during are the ones that Antalet videoslots ar cirka 240 medan antalet spelautomater pa natet ar cirka 30. make it happen. 

“It was a lot of work but it didn’t affect any classes. We used all our free times,” Narang added.

Apart from the Green Lights, five other bands participated in Ram Jam this year.

“It was my ultimate experience and everything was right in time, considering how some school events take a long time to start. Everything in Ram Jam was in queue,” junior Jonathan Marksteiner, guitarist of Outdoor Lights, said.

In order to be selected, each band had to send in an audition tape to the guitar class with three songs. Anyone at the school was allowed to audition and there was not any genre requirement. While selecting the bands, Guitar teacher Scott Seifried played the tapes to the selection board or whichever bands the board approves were allowed to play.

Marksteiner said, “It was a lot of fun and it was my first time performing. It went a whole lot better than I expected.”

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Students showcase talent at Ram Jam