In a recent US News & World Report study, our school placed 88th out of 21,776 high schools throughout the nation. This was the highest our school has ever placed in this survey.
US News teamed up with a Washington D.C. based organization, American Institutes for Research (AIR), one of the largest behavioral and social science research organizations in the world, in order to complete the survey.
The survey was based on three main criteria. The first criteria was whether students’ test scores were better than the determined average of that particular state’s standardized tests. The next criteria (for those schools that passed the first step) determined whether the school’s “Least advantaged” students were performing better than the average in the state. If the school made it past these two steps, the schools were then judged nationally in the final step, college readiness performance.
Subschool 10 principal Marty Riddle said he was extremely proud of the ranking. “This [survey] confirms or verifies the type of school we have,” Riddle said. “This reinforces the general perception about [our school] and shows from a variety of settings that it is a great school.”
Our school received the fifth best ranking in Virginia, placing behind Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, George Mason, George C. Marshall, and McLean, all Fairfax County schools.
Riddle said he sees no drastic future changes because of this ranking, but insists the school will keep up with the impressive performance.
“One of the best things about [our school] is that we shine a light on our [accomplishments]” Riddle said.