Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Making a bright fashion statement

Everyone has their own unique characteristic. It may be the gap in their smile or how infectious their laugh can be to others. And sometimes it is just how the person acts or dresses.

Senior Dinma Onyekwere is no exception when it comes to being unique. She has developed a habit of incorporating her favorite color, yellow, into her outfits every single day. Fellow classmates enjoy her enthusiasm towards the color, though some have wondered how she does it and why.

Onyekwere started wearing the color every day in fifth grade. She said the reason she started this fashion statement was because when she was younger, she seemed to always feel sad and not like herself.

One day, her friend suggested she start wearing the bright color to help boost her mood. She considered the idea and has stuck to it through middle and high school.

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“The color is so bright and vibrant, and that’s what I wanted my personality to be like in high school. I think I’ve accomplished that goal,” Onyekwere said.

Faculty and students enjoy her love for wearing yellow so much, she is asked about once a day whether or not she is wearing the color or how she does it. For the DECA Fashion Show this year the advisor, Stacy Hinkhouse, asked Onyekwere to wear yellow in the show.

She said her closet currently has so much yellow in it, it has become difficult for her not to wear the color. Her friends even go out of their way to find yellow colored Christmas and birthday gifts.

However, she said last year that she had started wearing the color for the pleasure of other people and not for herself. She reminded herself the reason she started wearing yellow which is to be happy with herself.

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Making a bright fashion statement