Monthly Munchies: February


Ashlee O'Neill

Chocolate covered strawberries; just in time for Valentine’s Day. Enjoy this yummy treat.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries


  • ¾  of semisweet baking chocolate (dark or milk), chopped
  • ⅜ white chocolate, chopped
  • 1 pound of strawberries with stems (about 20 depending on size), washed and dried very well


  1. Put the semisweet baking chocolate and white chocolate into separate medium sized microwavable bowls. Set aside the white chocolate for later.
  2. Next set the microwave on (medium) for a minute. Stir and heat for another 15 seconds or until the chocolate is fully melted. Or if you prefer you can melt the chocolate over a saucepan.
  3. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or wax paper. 
  4. Hold a strawberry by the stem, dip into the (dark/ milk) chocolate, lift the strawberry out of the bowl twisting it slightly, letting any excess chocolate to fall back into the bowl. Set each strawberry onto the parchment paper after it has been dipped.
  5. Before starting the next step let the (dark/ milk) chocolate set for a few minutes (30 minutes in room temperature or 15 minutes in refrigerator)
  6. Now grab the white chocolate that you set aside earlier and microwave the white chocolate for about a minute. As you did for the (dark/milk) chocolate, stir and heat for another minute or until the chocolate is fully melted. 
  7. Dip a fork into the white chocolate and drizzle the white chocolate over the pre-dipped strawberries. 
  8. Set the strawberries aside until the chocolate has set which may be around 30 minutes.
  9. Now that the strawberries are finished it is time to have a tasteful snack.