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Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Abby Ross

Abby Ross, Staff Writer

Abby Ross is a freshman at Robinson. This will be her second year in journalism., where she serves as a reporter or Valor Dictus. She like listing to true crime podcast and watching true crime movies. She enjoys all movie genres. She likes to keep herself involved in every day news and enjoys keeping people updated. Abby enjoys learning new languages and the cultures, and history that goes with it. She enjoys history and science, along with her two electives German, and journalism.  Abby loves to go on adventures with her friends, spend time with her family, and she loves animals. In the future she wishes to work for the FBI’s BAU (behavioral analysis unit), she enjoys understanding behavior and help catch very bad people. Currently Abby wishes to bring more people together and she new light on new things for those people. She also wishes to attend UNC or Duke university.

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Abby Ross