Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Are Fantasy Football Punishments Too Harsh?

Fantasy football has been around for a long time, much longer than most of us have been alive. In fact, the first fantasy football league started in 1962, when a part  owner of the then-Oakland Raiders, Bill Winkenbach, along with some friends, decided in their New York City Hotel to start the GOPPPL (Greater Oakland Professional Pigskins Prognosticators League).

However, back then it was much more basic, where “owners” would draft players from either the NFL or AFL, and points were based on how well a player did in his game that week. A couple years later, the first online fantasy football league began in 1985. Grandstand Sports Services launched the first online league through Q-Link, a telecommunications company, with a very similar basis to the GOPPPL. In the modern era, fantasy football resembles the original, but is a little more complex, as the game has evolved. Today’s game is based much more on individual performance rather than a team’s scoring. This is due to the fact that tracking individual statistics such as yards, receptions, touchdowns, etc. has become much easier. 

As fantasy football grows in popularity, another factor of it has too: the fantasy football punishment. Each year punishments have become more and more popular, and oftentimes more humiliating or even physically painful. For example, some of the most well-known fantasy football punishments are not for the faint of heart and there have been much more brutal punishments as well. 

Here is what Robinson thought of some of the most common punishments. Out of the people surveyed, only 6.5% said the milk mile was too harsh, and the same number for bringing an inflatable human to an expensive restaurant, along with the Waffle House challenge. On the other side of that the harshest punishment was deemed being a paintball target without any protection with 41.9%.

Deemed most harmful or humiliating punishment

Least harmful or humiliating punishment

As shown above, the spectrum of punishment severity was moderate. This shows that people do not consider the punishments that awful and that most common punishments are very doable for most. Before doing any punishment just make sure that it is safe and completable with no long term effects on one’s physical or mental health.

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About the Contributor
Jack Riely
Jack Riely, Staff Writer
Jack is a senior at Robinson and is in his first year of high school journalism. He is a staff writer and in his free time enjoys playing football for Robinson and going to the gym.