Trivia Tuesday
Written on 9/15/2019.
Hello, and welcome to trivia Tuesday. I’m Patrick and a trivia expert, some would even say I know everything there is to know about everything (they’d be wrong(also no one says that(can you even put parentheses inside parentheses?))). Today’s trivia is that the most viewed article ever on Valor Dictus’s website with over five thousand views is an article entitled “Remembering Mrs. Hickenbotham.” In last place for views is a 19 way tie with articles with a lowly 6 views all camped in in the sad losers box. These are all very interesting numbers that show the immense value of having access to analytics. What value is that, I don’t know but if you do feel free to tell your friends, family, and small business owners so that they can finally understand what to do with their IBM SPSS statistics suite(plus addons) that they purchased a subscription for at a whopping $350 a month price tag.
Sadly none of my blog posts even appear in the analytics as the editors have yet to their job.
Anywho, this has been Patrick, and I am done.

Obligatory wrap-up minion