Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Lab rebooted with additional space, new computers

A new computer lab is close to being finished in room E108, featuring brand-new, state-of-equipment.

The full plans for the construction of the lab have been in place for a year, the cost of the new computers has been close to 60,000 dollars.

“Education has been increasingly dependent on technology, students thrive on it,” Meier said. “We try to keep up on that demand, and I think we’ve built a beautiful new room.”

Meier said there was originally one lab in E108, but there was room for two.

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“We expanded the room so we would have enough space for the lab,” Meier said. “Right now, we’re waiting for the new computers, and the wiring was the last step.”

The purpose for the new computer lab was for increased space for SOL testing.

The lab features 72 new computers, adding more space for student testing.

“I think more and more, pencil and paper tests are becoming obsolete,” Administrative Principal Bill Evers said.

“This new lab adds a lot of space, and it is really important for schools to keep up with the increasing demands of technology.”
Evers said the county paid for the new lab through school bonds decided at the elections of last year.

It wasn’t something our school paid for, and was part of that program.

“We decided to go ahead with this now to lessen the burden on the classroom teachers for the SOL testing,” Evers said.

Technology Specialist Will Plath said administration originally wanted to put in a lab for SOL testing, but the county expanded construction a lot more than originally intended.

“We wanted to put another fixed computer lab, just so students would have more technology available,” Plath said.
At the moment, the wiring is finished.

Evers said the plans for the lab were in place since the summer, and it was completed over winter break.

Once the contractors started construction on the lab, the lab took approximately two weeks to complete.

“Because of the increased use of technology within classrooms, schools have to fight to keep up with the increased demands of the classes,” Evers said.

“It can be difficult sometimes, keeping up with those demands and we always try to add new technology to keep up with that demand.”

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Lab rebooted with additional space, new computers