Early Child Development helps students decide career path

“I really love working with children and it might help me in my future career as an occupational therapist,” said junior Deanna Sterling.

Engaging and interactive are just two of the words that describe The Early Child Career (ECC) program elective. It provides Robinson students with an elective to engage with younger children. This elective is offered to juniors and seniors interested in learning more about child development and thinking about a career involving small children.This class takes place during two blocks, third and fourth periods. During class, the teacher, Ms. Porter teaches the students about the basics of child development and the fundamentals of child care.

Beginning next year the class will be offered in collaboration with Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) and will give college credits to students taking this elective. This creates a new opportunity for students interested in studying child related careers beyond high school.

“I really love working with children and it might help me in my future career as an occupational therapist, it [Early Child Career program] made my decision more affirm.” said junior Deanna Sterling. Often students who are unsure of the career path they are interested in pursuing take this elective in an effort to finalize their possible job occupation.

The ECC program is a very collaborative elective for many students to be able to work together on coming up with lesson plans for the children in the preschool.

“Everyone likes working as a team,” said senior Hannah Talbott. The workload in this class is relatively less than that of a traditional class. Students focus their energies on working with the younger students rather than completing book work. This interactive element of the class allows the students to further develop their communication skills as well as their behavior while dealing with those younger than them.  This class is directed towards those individuals who are highly motivated and are willing to motivate and encourage the younger students as well.

Twice a week the students from ECC will go to the preschool to read, play, or teach. “There’s not much homework,” said  Sterling, “It’s mostly only group work…How to deal with them [the children] crying…how to deal with anger issues.”

Learning child development skills is the most necessary topic to learn about in the elective. As a matter of fact, the curriculum is structured around the concept. Skills are not taught all through presentations and worksheets, instead, students are learning them through their collaborative efforts without even realizing it.

The ECC program allows teenagers to learn how to cooperate with the upcoming generation. Students interested in strengthening these traits should very much consider participating in the course. This course helps students identify their future career path in their life. Whether it be a teacher, pediatrician, or any occupation involving children. Learning the fundamentals of communication and child care are the key components to a successful career in the fields involving children.