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Valor Dictus

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Bravely Speaking to the Robinson Community

Valor Dictus

Advertise with Valor Dictus

Advertising in Valor Dictus publications is a highly effective way to get your message in front of the Robinson community. Your ad will reach parents, administrators, faculty, coaches and, most importantly, the thousands of teenagers who make up the student body of Robinson Secondary School.

But advertising with Valor Dictus provides another benefit as well. Your advertising goes to support the journalism education program at Robinson. Putting your advertising message in Valor Dictus publications shows your company supports the Robinson community. All advertisers receive certificates of appreciation for supporting journalism at Robinson.

We offer advertising in our quarterly magazine, which features full-color on each page, and at, which offers digital enhancements such as links to your company’s website.

Regular, consistent advertising is the key to any effective marketing campaign. To advertise with Valor Dictus, download and complete an advertising contract and return it with your ad content and payment. You may also call Valor Dictus adviser Chris Moore at 703-426-2302 or send an email to [email protected].

Advertising Details:

Download the Sponsors & Advertisers Information Packet, which contains full details about advertising with Valor Dictus.

Valor Dictus Sponsors Guide

We offer a Legacy package, which includes advertising in our magazine and website, a Millennium package, which is digital only, and a Podcast package for video and audio messages. 

Publication Details:

Our website will be updated regularly throughout the year, and we have four, 32-page designed editions planned that will contain a variety of content, advertising, and issue-oriented journalism. 

Projected Magazine Publication Dates 2021-22: Oct. 20 | Jan. 10 | March 25 | May 17

(Publication dates may change.)

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